
Tourism Cares for Nepal: Outreach

As professionals and as humans, we, along with so many others worldwide, have been touched by the terrible disaster in Nepal in April.  We all want to help and to make a difference, and it is an honor to be a part of the Tourism Cares community.  Today, we offer some reflections from our community as the situation evolves.

The fast and committed flow of relief support is remarkable. Our world is increasingly accustomed to responding quickly, with incredible compassion and philanthropy when disaster strikes.

Consider “Diversified Disaster Giving.” As you plan your giving to Nepal, think about diversifying your charitable investments, just as you would a financial portfolio.  Based on lessons from the Southeast Asia Tsunami, here are some ideas to consider: give to recovery as well as relief; support local organizations as well as large multinational ones; and reserve some of your giving for later, say 6 months from now, when the recovery landscape will be far clearer.

The tourism industry will actively invest in tourism as a driver of recoveryNepal Recovery Fund.  We are one option among many for targeting recovery, one we feel has very strong leverage, where we can bring to bear our voice, influence and talent, as well as funding.  Together we have special and unique resources to drive the recovery.  We are in touch with local tourism and development advisors who will help us understand the situation as it evolves, with an eye to smart investments in the recovery of the industry, its jobs, and its benefits for Nepal and for visitors.

Any amount of giving can make a major difference. By making targeted, aligned investments in local responses, we can change people’s lives.  In Nepal, we will be guided by local tourism needs, Himalayan Trails, coordination by professionals and for the destination and we expect strong results and impact, in the year ahead.

There is hope for Nepal. Even during this crisis, and even as Nepal faces challenges to vital tourism flows, there is reason to hope: in the compassion of travelers, foundations and people worldwide, giving with.  Speaking again for regions hit by the Southeast Asia Earthquake & Tsunami, such as Thailand and Sri Lanka, we know cultures and communities can and do recover from unprecedented disaster.  Intact. Vibrant.  Compelling. Familiar.  Yet also imbued, for a time, with tragedy – and the care of millions worldwide.  Thank you for your care for Nepal.